About the Project

At the onset of the project, staff and physicians at Chesapeake Family Medicine decided that they wanted their new family care suite design to implement the patient-centered medical home model. To get a better idea of how space can complement workflow, they toured similar home model projects in the region designed by CRGA. Incorporating goals of maximizing staff efficiency and minimizing patient wait times, they ultimately chose to utilize the "on-stage and off-stage" concept of patient and staff flow, where patients and doctors enter on opposite sides of the rooms and the entire appointment, including the check-in and check-out processes, is completed in the treatment room.

The design also provides a single physician huddle room to allow physicians to hold private conversations. Individual physician private offices have been eliminated and replaced with open care team stations that allow care teams to communicate more efficiently and in real time, resulting in shorter patient wait times. The space also includes a staff lounge area that can also be used for patient education and training purposes.